פירוש המילה on the בעברית
NOUN | שם עצם | VERB | פועל | ADJECTIVE | שם תואר | ADVERB + OTHERS | 'תואר הפועל ואח | |||||||
pay paycheck/payslip/pay stub payday payee payer paing payment payroll PR | תשלום; משכורת, שכר משכורת, שכר; תלוש משכורת/שכר יום תשלום המשכורת מקבל התשלום משלם תשלום תשלום; גמול; פירעון מקבלי משכורת | pay (the) | לשלם, להשתלם, לפרוע (חוב וכד') | paid payable paying on the/(someone's/ something's) payroll | משולם ניתן לתשלום, בר פירעון משלם, משתלם מועסק/עובד (אצל-) | for pay paycheck to paycheck | בתשלום ממשכורת למשכורת (צורת חיים וכד') | |||
put (something/someone) on ice/on a back burner | להקפיא, לשמור/לשים "על אש קטנה" (רעיון, תוכנית, תהליך, נושא, קשר וכד'), לאפסן | on the/a back burner | "על אש קטנה", בעדיפות נמוכה | |||||||
צירופי לשון וביטויים קרובים:
on the agenda
on the altar
on the altar of
on the assumption
on the assumption that
on the autistic spectrum
on the back burner
on the ball
on the basis of
on the beam
on the bench
on the blink
on the block
on the bottom rung
on the break
on the bright side
on the brink
on the brink of
on the brinkedge of
on the chance that
on the charge of
on the cheap
on the circuit
on the continuum
on the continuum between
on the contrary
on the court
on the court fieldpitch
on the courtfieldpitch
on the critical list
on the cuff
on the cusp
on the cusp offorbetween
on the cutting edge of
on the dais
on the defensive
on the docket
on the dole
on the doorstep
on the doorstep of
on the dot
on the double
on the downslope
on the edge
on the edge of
on the edge of a single vote
on the edge of the abyss
on the end of the road
on the essence
on the eve of
on the face of earth
on the face of it
on the fence
on the field
on the final leg of
on the flip side
on the fly
on the fringe
on the fringe of
on the fritz
on the frontline
on the fundamental level
on the go
on the gofly
on the ground
on the grounds of
on the heels of
on the heels of someone something
on the high seas
on the horizon
on the horns of a dilemma
on the house
on the hunt
on the ideological plane
on the inside
on the job
on the job training
on the lam
on the level
on the level of principle
on the line
on the lookout
on the loose
on the lower end of the scale
on the make
on the map
on the market
on the mend
on the menu
on the merits
on the merits of
on the morrow
on the move
on the nose
on the occasion of
on the off chance
on the one hand
on the operating table
on the opposite
on the order of
on the other hand
on the outs
on the outs with
on the outskirts of
on the part of
on the path to
on the personal plane
on the pitch
on the point of collapse
on the practical level
on the premise that
on the pretext of
on the pretext that
on the prowl
on the public record
on the qt
on the quiet
on the record
on the regular
on the richter scale
on the rise
on the roadside
on the rocks
on the ropes
on the run
סוף תוצאות לשאלות:
איך אומרים on the בעברית |
איך כותבים on the בעברית |
מה זה on the בעברית |
איך מתרגמים on the לעברית
לאגרון (תזאורוס) הביטויים המקיף אנגלי-עברי-אנגלי: | ![]() |